Call for Collaborative Research Climate Issues
UNAM – University of California
Call for Collaborative Research Proposals 2023 Climate Issues
The Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) and the University of California Alianza MX (UC Alianza MX) are pleased to announce the first “Call for Collaborative Research Proposals in Basic and Applied Sciences between UNAM and the University of California.”
The main objective of this Call for Proposals is to enable the establishment of new collaborative research initiatives with the potential for creating permanent ties between UNAM and the UC that will grow and continue with the support of other institutional and extramural funds.
Proposals are expected to lead to the development of major, long-term collaborations among groups of researchers from both institutions and to significantly advance knowledge in the following disciplines in the context of climate change:
- Climate resilience
- Coastal flooding
- Drought and fire ecology
- Urban areas and built environment
- Extreme heat and health-related effects
- GHG emissions and air quality
- Rural areas and sustainable agriculture
- Soil functions and management
- Sustainable food production and nutritional genomics
- Other related disciplines with a positive impact on society.
Special consideration will be given to proposals that also enhance student training and research exchanges.
Selected proposals will be funded for two (2) years.
1. Calendar
Publication of the call | Wednesday, February 1 |
Application deadline | Wednesday, March 15 |
Evaluation committee meeting | Wednesday, April 26 |
Publication of the results | Friday, April 28 |
Project start date | Tuesday, May 2 |
2. Eligibility
Each proposal must be co-directed by eligible Principal Investigators (PIs) from UNAM and the UC; and must support multi-disciplinary collaboration among groups of researchers.
a) The objective of this call is to establish binational research groups, so proposals must include PIs from at least two UC campuses and at least one PI from UNAM. (Note: Preference will be given to proposals that include more than one collaborator from UNAM.)
- UNAM PIs must be full-time researchers or professors.
- UC PIs must meet eligibility criteria for research or training contracts and grants by academic appointees in the following title groups: (1) Members of the Academic Senate, including emeriti; (2) Appointees in the Agronomist series, including emeriti; (3) Appointees at 50 percent or more of full time in the Adjunct Professor series, the Clinical Professor series, the Professional Research Series, or the Cooperative Extension Specialist series.
- Postdoctoral researchers and students are not eligible to submit proposals, though PIs are encouraged to submit proposals that include academic participants from their institutions, including postdoctoral researchers and students.
b) PIs may submit only one original proposal to this The proposal submitted to this call may not be a duplicate of proposals submitted to other funding agencies, and PIs are not permitted to apply as members of multiple proposal submissions.
3. Proposal submissions
All proposals should be completed in English and include one PDF file with information for each of the following sections. (Note: Files should be clearly named to match with each section.)
a) Cover This must include the name/title of the proposal and names and contact information for all PIs (including university, campus, and department).
b) Proposal description. This must include an abstract of 500 words or fewer that includes relevant background information, a brief summary of relevant academic or scientific issues and literature, and the specific objectives of this (Note: The abstract should be understood by a review committee of diverse academic expertise.)
c) Proposal plan. This must describe the work to be performed, indicating who will perform each task and the timeline governing the work; explain the significance of the work, in terms of its potential for the advancement of science, scholarships, or technology and its possible impact in regional, environmental, economic, or social development; and discuss plans for continuation of the project beyond the grant period, including plans to seek additional funding from other The meaningful participation of all PIs must be evident in the plan, and if the proposal includes student research assistants, it should describe their contributions to the project, its relevance to their studies, and plans for supervision of their participation.
The proposal plan should include the following specific components:
- Scientific objectives;
- Research methods;
- International context;
- Current and previous cooperation among PIs;
- Detailed schedule of activities; and
- Summary of expected results.
d) Budget request. This must specify the cost of all items (in USD) and include planned expenses, scheduled activities, and cost distribution for PIs at both UNAM and the UC. (Note: UC budget expenses should be organized by campus, and by department if PIs come from multiple departments on the same )
e) Curriculum vitae. This must include CVs for all PIs, including a list of most relevant recent publications. (Note: Each individual CV should not exceed 2 pages per )
f) Institutional support. This must be included for all PIs and be signed by the relevant Unit Directors or Department
g) Approval or This must comply with the regulations at both the UC and UNAM for any research on human or animal subjects, including surveys or interviews.
Research proposals must be submitted to the following email address: and
Proposal submissions must be received by Wednesday, March 15, 11:59 pm (Pacific Time) to be eligible for consideration.
Evaluation and selection>>
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