International Journal of Comparative Sociology, vol. 65, num. 3
International Journal of Comparative Sociology has been accepted into the Social Science Citation Index!
«We live in one world; its been that way for a long time, and the International Journal of Comparative Sociology is an important source of comparative research on the structures and processes of this world-system.» Albert J. Bergesen, University of Arizona, USA
The International Journal of Comparative Sociology was established in 1960 to publish the highest quality research that is both international in scope and comparative in method. Fully peer reviewed, the journal draws articles from sociologists worldwide and encourages competing perspectives. IJCS recognizes that many significant research questions are inherently interdisciplinary, and therefore welcomes work from scholars in related disciplines, including political science, geography, economics, anthropology, and business sciences. The journal is published six times a year, including special issues on topics of special interest to the international social science community.
All issues of International Journal of Comparative Sociology are available to browse online.
International Journal of Comparative Sociology Vol. 65, No. 3, June 1, 2024 is now available online
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