Professor in Democracy Studies

Professor in Democracy Studies with a focus on Political Parties and Political Culture
Institute for Democracy Studies at Georg-August Universität Göttingen

The professor, who is expected to become head of the Institute for Democracy Studies, will be a member of the Faculty of Social Sciences. Suitable applicants have a proven track-record of outstanding empirical research in the social sciences with a focus on political parties and political culture. The ideal candidate’s profile combines a historical-comparative as well as contemporary research focus with the application of qualitative research methods on issues related to political parties within polarising societies, the social environment in which they operate, and associated processes of social change. The candidate’s work is expected to focus on Germany; an international comparative perspective is desirable.

The successful candidate needs to demonstrate his or her willingness to actively engage in one of the faculty’s main research areas, as well as being involved in one or more of the relevant research centres on the Göttingen Campus. Prerequisites also include the ability to present his or her findings to the broader, non-academic public.

The teaching duties associated with the professorship primarily entail lectures and seminars on Political Parties and Political Culture as part of the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes in Political Science as well as electives from other social science disciplines. The successful candidate may also contribute to the programme for doctoral students at the Göttingen Graduate School of Social Sciences. Göttingen University places great emphasis upon research-orientated teaching.

Requirements for employment include a post-doctoral degree or equivalent credits in the social sciences, experience in the relevant research areas and in the acquisition of third-party funds along with high-ranking publications. International experience in teaching and research is desirable. All further requirements for professorial appointments are governed by Section 25 of the Higher Education Act of Lower Saxony (NHG) as currently amended. Applicants who have received their doctorate at Göttingen University can only be considered if they have worked in scientific fields outside of Göttingen University for at least two years after receiving their doctorate. As a Public Law Foundation, Göttingen University holds the right of appointment. Further details can be provided upon request.

We explicitly welcome applications from foreign scholars and researchers. Göttingen University strives to increase its proportion of female staff in fields where women are underrepresented and emphatically encourages qualified women to apply. Moreover, the University sees itself as family-friendly and promotes the compatibility of scholarly pursuits, profession and family. The mission of the University is to employ a greater number of severely disabled persons. Applications from severely disabled persons with equivalent qualifications will be given preference.

Please submit your application in German or English, along with the usual documents by 17-08-2018, addressed to the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Professor Karin Kurz, Platz der Göttinger Sieben 3, 37073 Göttingen, Germany, or merged into one PDF file to

We hereby wish to point out that the submission of an application constitutes your consent to us processing your applicant data under the data protection laws. More detailed information on the legal basis and the use of data can be found here:

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