Resistance and its Repression

Resistance and its Repression: Illiberal Democracies East and West
Third Anual Mobilization Conference
May 10-11,  2019 San Diego State University

The Third SDSU Conference on Social Movements and Nonviolent Protest: Resistance and Its Repression: Illiberal Democracies East and West

This year’s conference will explore two fundamental questions facing scholars of protest: How does the erosion of liberal democratic institutions affect social movements in the twenty-first century? Second, what can we learn about the dark dance between new efforts of social control and collective actions to resist them? This conference is sponsored by the Hansen Foundation for Peace and Nonviolence, and is organized in con-junction with the leading research journal in socal movements and contentous politics, Mobilization: An International Quarterly, published at San Diego State University.

Organization of the conference will combine plenary sessions on protest and resistance in illiberal democracies with open paper sessions on a variety of topics in our field. The paper sessions will be organized thematically depending on submissions. To reserve your place: submit an abstract of your research by the deadline, commit to a completed paper by the conference date, and formally register when you submit your abstract submission. Our vision is to create a informal and friendly space for resarchers in the social movements/contentious politics field to gather annually and discuss their work. Registration fees include meals and the reception. In addition to this year’s focus on illiberal democracies, we welcome papers of topics such as:

  • Strategies of nonviolent resistance
  • Tactical variation and movement outcomes
  • Trends in social movement theory/critical perspectives
  • The analysis of conteporary movements
  • Social media, digital technologies, and repertoire shift
  • Cross national and historical analysis of protest
  • Collective identity and identity movements
  • And more, depending on submissions

Previous conferences attest to the utility of smaller, congegial gatherings for our community of researchers. Last year 100 attendees, 91 paper presentations, and 24 sessions comprised the Mobilization conference. We hope for an equally successful conference in 2019. If you would like to attend, submit your absbtact and register by January 15. Questions? Contact


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