Globalization and the Emergence of a New World Order
International Conference on
Globalization and the Emergence of a New World Order: Theoretical Formulations and Empirical Reality
(November 20-24, 2022)
Venue: Jawaharlal Nehru University Complex, New Delhi, India
Mode of the Conference: Hybrid (online/offline)
This conference is part of the activities of the Global Research and Educational Foundation India in collaboration with ISA Working Group 01 Sociology on Local- Global Relations ISA RC 14 Sociology of Communication, Knowledge and Culture, Centre for Studies in Science Policy, JNU, New Delhi, ISS RC 14 Globalization and Culture, ISS RC 08 Inequalities, Stratification and Exclusion Studies.
Globalization refers to widening, deepening and speeding up of worldwide interconnectedness in all aspects of contemporary social life. New communication technologies have facilitated the process of globalization and transformed the socio-cultural milieu of different societies in such a way that the fields of interactions are cutting across the boundaries of communities and nation states. The transnational flow of people, commodities, ideas and activities is closely associated with the information technology. Although initially it was conceptualised mainly as an economic process but further investigations and evidence reveal that globalization is a multidimensional phenomenon affecting every aspect of our social life. Major dimensions of the globalization are economic, social, political, cultural and environmental. Globalization is transforming all these spheres of our life in a significant manner. At the theoretical and conceptual level, debates on globalization focussed on the issue of modernity, nature of global economy, cultural homogenization/hybridization/differentialism, clash of civilizations, end of modernity, end of history, hyperglobalization, scepticism and transformationlism. A number of depictions of modernity such as late modernity, high modernity, fluid modernity, reflexive modernity, have been conceptualized to show the changes in the contemporary society. Societal types like postmodern society, network society, consumer society, risk society have also been formulated to indicate changes in the social order in last few decades. All these conceptual and theoretical developments indicate the globalization has affected all aspects of our social life in last few decades. However, at the economic and political level we have witnessed a lot of fluidity in different parts of the world. The balance of power of cold war period was broken by the forces of globalization (information technology and rise of global economy) and it resulted in dissolution of USSR into 15 nation states, unification of Germany, division of Czechoslovakia into two different nations. Rise of global terrorism is another important phenomenon observed in last few decades. The backlash of globalization has been mainly because of limitations and problems of neoliberal economy and policies on the one hand, imbalance of power at the global level on the other. As a result, we witnessed the emergence of a new world order very different of the days of cold war. The high level of risks and uncertainty in the social, economic, political, and cultural life along with environmental risks are some of the key features of this new world order. Recent developments in Afghanistan and Ukraine indicate not only the crisis of global order but also towards its reorganization in the years to come.
In the light of the above discussion, the conference is aimed to discuss the following themes/issues:
- Theoretical and conceptual issues for the analysis of globalization and transformation of contemporary societies
- Cultural diversity in Global time and National approaches for saving cultural heritage and social, local and territorial identities it the context of globalization.
- Globalization and transforming of labour relationships at the national, regional and local levels
- Sociocultural risks of global social processes and its impact on local communities.
- Estrangement and new social fears in the context of Globalization.
- Migration and changing of mental maps of the World. Migration Conflicts and overcoming of socio-cultural contradictions
- Global risks for Health: new challenges and solutions
- Globalization, environment and climate change
- Globalization and changing patterns of media communication at the local, regional and global level
- Role of information Technology in transformation of local communities.
- Mass media and cultural globalization
- Communication and Higher Education in globalized world
- Crisis of pandemic COVID-19 and its impacts on global order
- Crisis of military alliances and its implications for the fast growing societies
- Recent Russia-Ukraine crisis and the changing world order
The above sub-themes are only indicative. Other themes related to main topic of conference will also be considered.
Abstracts with title and keywords should not exceed 400 words. Additional requested information should include: name(s); affiliation(s); and Email of all the author(s)
Abstracts should be sent before July 31, 2022 via email to
Prof. Virendra P. Singh, Organizer of the Conference & Chairman, GREFI & Professor of Globalization and Development Studies, University of Allahabad, Prayag Raj 211002, India;
+919235608187; +919936868187
The publication of the selected papers is being planned before and after the Conference in two volumes. Last date for submitting full paper for publication is August 15, 2022.
For further details please check our website:
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