Summer School in International Survey Methods
Vanderbilt’s 2025 Summer School in International Survey Methods
The Summer School in International Survey Methods is an 8-day intensive training program in survey methods with a particular focus on applications outside the US. The program takes place in person on Vanderbilt’s campus and features a diverse array of instructors working at the forefront of survey research globally. Instruction is geared toward graduate students, faculty, or research practitioners in the social sciences, though advanced undergraduates may also apply.
Dates: June 2-11, 2025
Location: Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
Program cost:
Option 1: $1,500, including housing on Vanderbilt’s campus.
Option 2: $600, not including housing on Vanderbilt’s campus. Participants are responsible for arranging their own accommodations.
All participants are also financially responsible for their travel to and from Nashville and food expenses during the program.
*Please note that for 2025 we have limited scholarship funds for participants coming from a Latin America or Caribbean country.
Application deadline: February 15th, 2025
For more information on the program, please visit
For questions, please email
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