ISA Award for Excellence in Research and Practice

ISA Award for Excellence in Research and Practice has been established in March 2013. It is awarded by the International Sociological Association to a sociologist who advances and promotes sociological knowledge and practice through outstanding contributions to the discipline, the profession, and the ISA.

The award will be presented every four years at the World Congress Sociology of the International Sociological Association at a special ISA awards ceremony. The award recipient will receive:

  • A plaque: ISA Award for Excellence in Research and Practice.
  • Travel (economy) and accommodation to the World Congress of Sociology to be covered by the ISA.
  • World Congress Registration fee will be granted.
  • Announcement of the award in the program of the Congress and on the ISA website.
Nomination Procedure

The documents required for a nominee’s dossier are:

  • letters of nomination signed by the officers of at least two ISA Research Committees Working Groups or Thematic Groups, or by three ISA members in good standing or by an academic institution (a research institute, a sociology department), or by the officers of at least two national associations of sociology
  • biography and resume of nominee
  • any documents that will enhance the merit of the nominee and may include:
    • letters of support signed by scholars who do not need to be ISA members
    • evidence of the contributions of the nominee to the discipline, the profession, and the ISA that promote research and practice

Supporting material in building the case for the award should be the responsibility of the nominators.

Nominations and all supporting documentation should be sent by email before May 30, 2021 to the ISA Secretariat with copies to the Chair of the ISA Award Committee for Excellence in Research and Practice, Sari Hanafi, ISA President,


Current members of the ISA Executive Committee are not eligible for this award.

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