Participation and Mobilisation

ECPR General Conference – Innsbruck – 26-28 August 2020

Current Research and Challenges on Political Participation and Mobilization

Section Chair Alice Mattoni
Università di Bologna Section Co-Chair Elena Pavan
Università degli Studi di Trento

In the past decade, some contentious issues became more and more relevant in Europe and across the world, including migrant and refugee rights, climate change and environmental protection, gender-oriented challenges, and the increasing rise of the far-right. While older cleavages have not disappeared, political participation and mobilization around the more established contentious issue like economic inequalities or human rights protection necessarily cross their paths with these new themes. Furthermore, the space and the modes of individual and collective participation are affected by the diffusion of digital media which, in turn, challenge the established ways of conceptualizing and studying these processes.

This Section aims at bringing together Panels that are able to deal with these multifaceted challenges in the field of political participation and mobilization, focusing on current empirical research, sharp methodological reflections and thought-provoking theoretical proposals related to what does it mean to participate and mobilize in the political sphere today across the world.

You can send your proposed paper via the ECPR submission platform by the 19th of February.

Or, alternatively, send your paper abstract (500 words) plus keywords to the chairs of the following proposed panels via email no later than the 10th of February.

Political participation and social movements for environmental democracy

Chairs: Louisa Rosemary Parks and Francesca Forno Francesca (University of Trento)
Emails: louisa [DOT] parks [AT] unitn [DOT] it francesca[DOT] forno [AT] unitn [DOT] it

The effects of political participation and social movements

Chairs: Dorte Fischer (University of Trento) and Alessandra Lo Piccolo (Scuola Normale Superiore)
Emails: alessandra[DOT]lopiccolo[AT] and dortesophie[DOT]fischer[AT]unitn[DOT]IT

Far-right political participation and social movements

Chair: Bharath Ganesh (University of Groningen)
Email: b[DOT]ganesh[AT]rug[AT]nl

Digital media and organizational patterns in social movements and political participation

Chair: Anastasia Kavada (University of Westminster)
Email: a[DOT]kavada[AT]Westminster[DOT]ac[DOT]uk

Gender-oriented mobilizations and social movements

Chair: Elena Pavan (University of Trento)
Email: elena[DOT]pavan[AT]unitn[DOT]tn

The diffusion of social movements and contentious collective action

Chair: Julia Rone (University of Cambridge)
Email: julia[DOT]rone[AT]eui[DOT]eu

Social movements, political participation and human rights

Chair: Grigolo, Michele (University of Nottingham Trent)
Email: michele[DOT]grigolo[AT]ntu[DOT]ac[DOT]uk

The visual side of mobilization in current social movements and political participation experiences

Chair: Nicole Doerr (University of Copenhagen)
Email: nd[AT]soc[DOT]ku[DOT]dk

Interactions of mobilization and polarization. How do contexts of growing polarization affect mobilization dynamics and how does protest in turn affect polarization?

Chair: Priska Daphi (University of Bielefeld)
Email: Priska[DOT]daphi[AT]uni-bielefeld[DOT]de


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