Coloquio Participative science


El Centro de Ciencias de la Complejidad invita al coloquio
Participative science: from science communication to science on demand

Dr. Franco Bagnoli. Dept. Physics and Astronomy and Center for the Study of Complex Dynamics (CSDC), University of Florence, Italy

Jueves 7 de diciembre de 2017, 13:00-14:30 horas.

Auditorio-C3 (Circuito Cultural, frente a Universum y a un costado del estacionamiento 4 del Centro Cultural).

Entrada libre.

We shall present some experiences of participative science carried on in our interdisciplinary center. We shall first illustrate our experiments in participative communication, i.e., science cafés and radio transmissions. in real life and on the Internet. With the help of many colleagues in the center and the science cafés community, we just opened a science shop, i.e., a modality by which citizens can ask for investigations and scientific support, with the help of researchers and students. This modality can successfully conjugate with citizen science: the proposers can join scientists and students in performing measurements. We shall illustrate some of the projects. In particular, we shall present the results of a model of intimate partner violence that recently won the prize for the best PhD thesis against sexual violence by the Council of Europe.

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